On March 28th, My best friend, Kalynn, and Sean's best friend, Tome, got married!!! They got married in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. The weather was SO perfect, and sunny.... We were REALLY sad to come back to the cold snowy weather!!! The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, I cried SO much... Kalynn is pratically my sister so it was wonderful to watch her marry the man she's been waiting for!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My Best Friend's Wedding!!!!
On March 28th, My best friend, Kalynn, and Sean's best friend, Tome, got married!!! They got married in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. The weather was SO perfect, and sunny.... We were REALLY sad to come back to the cold snowy weather!!! The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, I cried SO much... Kalynn is pratically my sister so it was wonderful to watch her marry the man she's been waiting for!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
pretty pastel colors
flowers all in bloom
easter baskets
green milk
corned beef
birds chirping
my birthday
and you can dye easter eggs!!!!
So while we were at our brother in laws house.... well I wanted to do a fun little treat with the kids while were babysitting them... I used Chocolate pudding, crushed Oreo cookies, gummy worms and some imagination to create a pot of dirt!!!! The kids thought it was yummy and it was so fun to see their faces when i told them we were going to eat dirt!!! those kids are the CUTEST!!!
Anyway, I love spring.
For St. Patricks day my mom usually dyes the milk green ( when we were little)
and this St. patty's day I was going to do the same!!!! but then I was realizing that Sean would not have gotten as big a kick out of it, as I did as a kid.
but maybe in April I can pull pink milk on him and see what he thinks. hehe One thing I can guarantee is that there will be a special Easter basket for the bear and for myself.
Friday, March 13, 2009
TODAY is FRIDAY!!!!!!!
First thing is that I LIVE for fridays!!!!
Over the years I have grown to appreciate the weekends... now that we are slowly becoming... well trying to become grown ups, we go to our jobs everyday and whenever I get home I am SO mentally, emotionally, and physically drained. With that being said I have come to realize that weekends are the BEST!!!!!
My feelings about days of the week:
Sunday: Happy because it's part of the weekend, but still bummed because that means that the next day is Monday.
Monday: Not so fun- start the work/school week all over again, and never have any time to relax...
Tuesday: Well "I love tuesdays"... thanks to kalynn.
Wednesday: My long day 7 am till 10 pm away from home. Enough said. But at least I can say "tomorrow I can say tomorrow is Friday!"
Thursday: Not too bad, it has become tradition that on Thursday mornings and nights I always say "tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!"
Friday: I'm super happy on this day because that means that it's practically the weekend so work goes by pretty fast... once I'm off work I am on cloud 9!!!! I love fridays.... because it's the weekend which means- time for some R & R and lots off nuggling with the hubby!!!
Sunday: Not TOO bad, even if the next day is Monday we can still sleep in....
and from that the week starts over...
SO I am happy to say TODAY is FRIDAY, which means the weekend is NOW!!!