Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So Most of my life I have had long hair, but about a year ago I decided that I would donate my hair- So since then I have been trying to keep it healthy and long- so the other day it was time to goodbye to my luscious locks... so I went to my friend Brittany a good friend from college and she cut my hair! She took off 13.5 inches!!! I love my new hair cut and I'm happy I could donate it to Locks for Love. I hope you all like my new look!!! P.S. Sorry for the blurry pics- I'm still Ipod camera challenged... and I know I have a terrible "Kissy" face!


Neil and Roxy said...

Love is super cute!

Tome and Kalynn said...

You look so good! I love it!!

Ali said...

Oh my goodness! LOVE the hair. It looks awesome on you!

Kim said...

That is a great cute. Perfect for your beautiful face.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

L. O. V. E. IT!!!!!!!!! Super sassy